SHCTC Student Wellness and Success Plan 2024-2025 

Overview At Southern Hills Career and Technical Center (SHCTC), we recognize that our students face numerous challenges impacting their wellness and academic success. To address these needs, we are committed to providing essential support through comprehensive mental health services, academic guidance, and assistance with basic needs. 

Student Wellness and Success Funds (SWSF) To support our students, SHCTC will employ a social worker and a medical assistant and repurpose the role of the former school counselor. The social worker will be available for confidential conversations and will connect students with external mental health resources. The medical assistant will manage our school clinic and coordinate telehealth appointments with Adams County Regional Hospital. The former school counselor, now in a supervisory role as the Career Counselor Specialist, will oversee the new counselor and social worker, support students with Work-Based Learning opportunities, and act as a liaison to external agencies to benefit our students. 

Academic or School Counselor The school counselor will provide academic guidance to help students navigate their educational paths and achieve their post-school goals. This role includes assisting students in selecting the right courses, providing career counseling, and supporting students in overcoming academic challenges. The school counselor will also be a safe space for students facing social or emotional issues, ensuring they have the support needed to succeed in their academic and personal lives. 

Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid (DPIA) The Career Tech Counsel for Students program will address the needs of our most vulnerable students. This program will provide essential items such as school uniforms and housing assistance. Additionally, we will collaborate with FRS transportation solutions to ensure students have reliable transportation to school, work, and appointments. 

Coordination with Community Partners SHCTC will collaborate with several community partners to maximize the effectiveness of our programs. Our partners include Child Focus, The Counseling Source, Talbert House, Children’s Hospital, Brown County Job and Family Services (JFS), Ohio Means Jobs, PATH Program, Adams County Regional Hospital, Brown County Department of Disabilities, and FRS transportation solutions. 

Anticipated Impact Our goal is to enhance the overall wellness of our students, leading to improved academic performance and engagement. We will measure success by tracking the number of students accessing services, monitoring improvements in attendance and academic performance, and collecting feedback through surveys. We anticipate a reduction in absenteeism, improved mental and physical health, and increased student engagement and success. 

Plan Presentation and Posting This plan will be presented at the SHCTC Board of Education meeting on September 10, 2024, and will be posted on our website within 30 days of approval, in accordance with Ohio Department of Education guidelines. 

Annual Reporting The Principal and Treasurer of SHCTC will collaborate to submit an annual report to the Ohio Department of Education detailing the usage and impact of the funds. 

Conclusion Southern Hills Career and Technical Center is dedicated to utilizing the Student Wellness and Success Funds and Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid to create a supportive and nurturing environment for our students. This plan is designed to address immediate needs and prepare our students for long-term success. 

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